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i love you in Scottish Gaelic

Date:2021-01-30 View:604

i love you in Scottish Gaelic/Scottish Gaelic i love you

>>tha gaol agam ort

I love you, generally used for one person to love another person's emotional expression, can also be used between relatives, is a person to another person's emotional expression. It can also be used to express the strong feelings of pets and objects.

Tha gaol agam ort, mar as trice air a chleachdadh airson aon neach a bhith dèidheil air faireachdainn tòcail neach eile, faodar a chleachdadh eadar càirdean cuideachd, na neach gu faireachdainn tòcail neach eile. Faodar a chleachdadh cuideachd gus faireachdainnean làidir peataichean is nithean a chuir an cèill.

Scottish Gaelic

Scottish Gaelic is a Goidelic language native to the Gaels of Scotland. As a Goidelic language, Scottish Gaelic, as well as both Irish and Manx, developed out of Old Irish.

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