i love you in Basque/Basque i love you
>>maite zaitut
I love you, generally used for one person to love another person's emotional expression, can also be used between relatives, is a person to another person's emotional expression. It can also be used to express the strong feelings of pets and objects.
Maite zaitut, orokorrean pertsona batek beste pertsona baten adierazpen emozionala maitatzeko erabiltzen duena, senideen artean ere erabil daiteke, beste pertsona baten adierazpen emozionalerako pertsona da. Maskoten eta objektuen sentimendu sendoak adierazteko ere erabil daiteke.
Basque language
Basque is a language spoken by Basques and others of the Basque Country, a region that straddles the westernmost Pyrenees in adjacent parts of Northern Spain and Southwestern France.
Written by DY77,related to i love you in different languages