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China National Petroleum Corporation

Date:2021-02-07 View:249

Kunlun Energy Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive energy company registered in Bermuda, listed on the main board of the stock exchange of Hong Kong, and controlled by PetroChina Company Limited. The stock code is 00135.hk. It is one of the constituent stocks of Hang Seng Index and Hang Seng Chinese enterprises index.

Before 2008, Kunlun energy was mainly engaged in oil and gas exploration and development at home and abroad. In 2009, the company began its strategic transformation and vigorously developed its liquefied natural gas (LNG) business. In 2015, Kunlun energy acquired 100% equity of PetroChina Kunlun Gas Co., Ltd. held by PetroChina, becoming the financing platform and investor of PetroChina's natural gas business and the management platform of PetroChina's natural gas terminal utilization business. At present, the company is mainly engaged in urban gas, natural gas pipeline, liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving, processing, storage and transportation, LNG / CNG terminal, natural gas power generation and distributed energy, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sales and other businesses. The market is distributed in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. The annual sales volume of natural gas is more than 16 billion cubic meters, and the annual sales volume of LPG is more than 6 million tons, which is a large-scale enterprise in China Natural gas terminal utilization and LPG sales enterprises.

As a major oil and gas producer and supplier in China, PetroChina regards natural gas business as its strategic and growth business. Kunlun energy will give full play to the advantages of synergy and industrial chain, adhere to open integration, pay attention to quality and efficiency, actively implement the strategy of market, resources, capital, quality and innovation, focus on providing safe and stable gas supply and high-quality customer service for all kinds of users, create value for shareholders, and build an excellent comprehensive utilization company of natural gas terminal in China.


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